Arcangelo graduates in Neurosciences University of Trento, their studies focused on the relation between consciousness and matter, and the consciousness extent on the non living matter. they created several projects on this topic by collecting the dreams of born blinded people to seek for common archetypes or by choreographing a bodies hosting parkinson's disease. Their research now is focusing on advocating for the matter's (biotic , and a-biotc) desires as a practice for sharing pleasures and mutual expansions with help of witchery, necromancy, and divination of other agencies wills. A practice that wants to shift current ecological paradigms to imagine a political space where every agency can represent itself.

She's currently working in different theater and performing arts productions. She has been working with Maidson Bycroft at the Venice Biennale, Art Basel, Palais de Tokyo; Amalia Ulman, Ayreen Anastas & Renee Gabri, Lia Haraki, Eva Geatti.